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30 min
July 5, 2024

Liubov Nazukina

Best E-commerce Strategies: The Guide to Success in 2024

In recent years, e-commerce has become an essential component of global retail. Consumers worldwide now enjoy the edges of online purchases. 

There are over five billion users engaging in online purchases. In 2024, global retail e-commerce sales will exceed $6 trillion. Moreover, experts talk about further escalation in the years ahead.

Looking a bit back, approximately 20% of total global sales in 2021 were online transactions. And by 2025, about a quarter of all global sales are predicted to happen online.

So, today, successful companies invest in the best e-commerce strategies. It helps them stay competitive in the online marketplace and take their slice of the pie. 

Understanding E-commerce Strategy

An e-commerce strategy is a long-term comprehensive plan. The main goal is to effectively use digital channels and technologies for online sales.

Companies need an e-commerce strategy for several reasons:

  • Determine objectives and ways to achieve them.
  • Understand the target audience.
  • Allocate resources effectively.
  • Differentiate in the market.
  • Identify and mitigate risks.
  • Set and track performance indicators.
  • Adapt to market changes and trends.

Overall, an e-commerce strategy is essential for making decisions, optimising resource distribution, and driving sustainable growth. 

Let’s review the essential components of an e-commerce strategy.

Essential Components for Successful E-commerce Strategies

To build a thriving e-commerce strategy companies need to know market trends, customer preferences, and tech innovations. Below are the key components to consider for a successful e-commerce strategy:

  • Logistics
  • Customer relationship
  • Sustainability and ethical practices
  • User-friendly website and mobile experience
  • New technology
  • Digital marketing
  • Data analytics
  • Security
  • Compliance and legal considerations
  • Social media platforms


Delivery speed is a critical factor that distinguishes companies from their competitors in e-commerce and influences customer loyalty. Indeed, a quarter of customers are willing to pay extra for same-day delivery. As per McKinsey analysis, logistics expenses presently account for 12 to 20 percent of e-commerce revenues. Moreover, logistics costs can escalate from 15 to 25 percent in the future. 

To ensure fast and convenient delivery of goods, it's essential to offer various options for the needs of different customers. Therefore, in addition to traditional courier delivery, it's crucial to use new methods:

  • Pick up in store and curbside pickup. According to a survey of 50 retail executives conducted in July 2020, store-based pickup services saw a threefold increase from mid-2019 to mid-2020. Some retailers reported a year-over-year growth of over 200 percent in their own store-based pickup services.
  • Pick up lockers and drop-off points. Flexible pickup will be the best solution for busy customers. Also, utilising lockers saves on delivery costs and extends service reach to areas where home delivery is challenging. This differentiation attracts customers valuing convenience and flexibility.
  • Instant and same-day delivery. Consumer expectations are growing fast, so offer instant or same-day delivery options. Companies are forced to use new technologies like drones, autonomous vehicles, and micro-fulfillment centres.

Overall, these options enhance customer convenience, reduce delivery costs, and expand e-commerce companies' reach. Investing in these solutions improves operational efficiency, boosts customer satisfaction, and drives e-commerce growth.

Customer Relationships

Customer relationships in e-commerce involve building, maintaining, and enhancing connections with customers throughout their journey. It aims to create positive experiences, foster loyalty, and drive repeat purchases. 

There are many important things to consider along the way in the process of building relationships with the client:

  • Personalised marketing

Companies should know customers: their demographics, behaviours, and preferences. After that, they must tailor their marketing messages and promotions for each segment's needs to increase engagement and conversion rates.  

Amazon and Netflix both excel in personalised marketing. Amazon uses data from past purchases, browsing history, and demographics to offer individual products on its platform and in email. Similarly, Netflix uses personalised recommendations based on viewing history and preferences to curate customised lists like "Top picks for you" and "Because you watched.

  • Customer service and support

Excellent customer service throughout the shopping journey enhances the overall experience and fosters trust and loyalty. Companies should offer multiple support channels and prompt responses to inquiries, and gather customer feedback through surveys, forms, or reviews. Also, it is important to provide round-the-clock availability and instant response, as an option, by AI-powered chatbots.

For instance, ASOS is famous for exceptional customer service. Managers are available 24/7 via email, live chat, social media, and phone in nine languages. They ensure prompt responses, addressing emails within an hour, social media messages within 15 minutes, and live chats or calls within 30 seconds.

Building customer relationships is crucial in a successful e-commerce strategy..

Sustainability and Ethical Practices

Consumers are increasingly prioritising sustainability and ethical practices when making purchasing decisions. Easily recyclable, reusable, and no-packaging options boost product buying and loyalty. Sustainability features boost the likelihood of purchase by 17% among eco-conscious customers, and by 30% among those actively seeking sustainable options.

User-Friendly Website and Mobile Experience

Creating a seamless and intuitive online shopping experience across all devices is paramount. 91% of customers make online purchases using their smartphones

Moreover, mobile commerce sales are expected to account for 63% of total retail e-commerce by 2024.

To achieve a user-friendly website and mobile experience in e-commerce, businesses should focus on:

  • Intuitive navigation. Simplify site navigation with clear menus, categories, and search functionality. For a deeper analysis of this point, we suggest reading Steve Krug's book with the name that speaks for itself "Don’t make me think".
  • Fast loading speeds. You can check the loading speeds of websites using various online tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, or WebPageTest.
  • Responsive design. BrowserStack and Online Responsive Design Testing Tool can help you quickly assess how your website responds to different screen sizes and ensure a seamless user experience across devices.
  • Clear product presentation. Use high-quality images, detailed product descriptions, and customer reviews. It can help users make informed purchasing decisions.  
  • Streamlined checkout process. Here are some ways to achieve this:
    • Implement a guest checkout option
    • Condense the process into a single page
    • Incorporate autofill forms
    • Display progress indicators
    • Optimise for mobile devices
    • Offer multiple payment options (credit/debit cards, digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay) and alternative payment methods (e.g., Klarna, Afterpay)
    • Showcase trust signals
    • Include an order summary sidebar

Companies have to prioritise user-friendliness and provide a seamless browsing and shopping experience. It is the right way to enhance customer satisfaction and drive conversions. 

Look at how ASOS prioritised mobile as part of its strategy in 2016. This led to a surge in mobile device visits from 66% to 87.9% by 2022.

New Technology

New technologies in e-commerce create opportunities to enhance customer service, streamline business processes, and boost sales. Some of new technology in e-commerce include:

  • AI and machine learning. For example, with ASOS's Style Match tool, users can upload a photo from Instagram or magazines, and the app finds the closest matches from its product database. This feature has boosted user interaction and conversion rates within the ASOS app.
  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). AR and VR technologies allow customers to visualise products in their real-world environment. This immersive experience enhances engagement and reduces returns. For example, the brand Charlotte Tilbury offers users to try on lipstick shades using a camera. And IKEA Place helps users to virtually place furniture and decor using their device's camera. 
  • Voice commerce. It's important to optimise websites and mobile apps for voice search and integrate voice-enabled shopping features. In 2024, about 49% of consumers in the USA use voice search for shopping.

Digital Marketing and Customer Acquisition

E-commerce companies that ensure multichannel marketing and continuity in their marketing strategies build a stronger and more recognizable brand identity. Below, let's examine the primary:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). E-commerce websites need to be optimised for search engines to improve visibility and organic traffic. Wayfair.com, a leading e-commerce giant, boasts a robust SEO strategy, with over 6.2 million keywords ranking and attracting more than 14 million organic visitors monthly. Key factors contributing to its success include:
    1. Structured website. Wayfair's subcategories and subsubcategories make navigation for customers easier and bolster SEO rankings.
    2. Blogging for traffic. Informative blog posts attract potential customers and improve SEO.
    3. Optimised product pages. Wayfair's meticulously crafted product pages help to maximise visibility and attract organic traffic.
    4. Modifier keywords. Descriptive and detailed product titles enhance searchability and help customers to find products.
    5. Internal linking. Strategic internal linking within the website boosts SEO and ensures navigation for users.
  • Email marketing. It helps to engage existing customers, drive conversions through product recommendations, special offers, and promotional discounts.  In 2022, surveys revealed that over 50% of U.S. consumers showed a positive attitude towards personalised messages. For example, Sephora sends emails to its members with special offers, providing exclusive benefits to their loyal customers. 
  • Paid search advertising (PPC). E-commerce brands invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to reach actively searching users, those who look alike, competitor audiences, and more. 
  • Remarketing campaigns. They are important to re-engage website visitors who didn't make a purchase. Targeted ads across platforms remind them of viewed products and encourage return purchases.
  • Flash sales and limited-time offers. E-commerce companies create a sense of urgency and scarcity through flash sales, limited-time offers, and exclusive discounts. Companies like Zara and H&M host flash sales on their website or app, offering discounts on select items for a brief period. This creates excitement, driving traffic and boosting sales.
  • Referral programs. E-commerce brands encourage customers to refer friends through referral programs. Companies offer rewards, discounts for successful referrals. About 92% of consumers trust recommendations more than any form of advertising.
  • Localised marketing campaigns. It is important to create localised content, promotions, and advertising campaigns that reflect the cultural nuances of different regions. It increases relevance and appeal to potential customers. Starbucks runs localised marketing campaigns to connect with customers in specific regions or cities. For example, in Japan, Starbucks introduced “Sakura Season.”


Analytics is a crucial component of a successful e-commerce strategy.

Companies should understand how customers behave, what sells well, and how a website performs. This information helps them to know what products to offer, how to market, and how to improve the website. So, businesses must use different indicators for different objectives. For instance, ROI and conversion rates to estimate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Bounce rate and load times to evaluate usability issues. 

Also, analytics helps in predicting sales trends and planning inventory.


E-commerce companies must safeguard customer information to foster trust and credibility. Trust is cultivated through secure transactions. Here are several key steps to make transactions more secure:

  • Secure payment gateways. Use trusted payment gateways with encryption and security features to protect financial data.
  • SSL/TLS encryption to provide confidentiality.
  • Tokenization. Help to reduce the risk of data breaches by Replacing sensitive data like credit card numbers with unique tokens.
  • Regular security audits. Conduct routine audits to identify and address vulnerabilities in payment systems.
  • PCI compliance. Use PCI DSS standards to safeguard cardholder data.
  • Fraud detection. Use machine learning and transaction monitoring.
  • Customer education. Encourage customers to use strong passwords and avoid suspicious links to protect their accounts.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

E-commerce companies should ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations governing e-commerce. For instance, consumer protection, privacy and data security. These things are essential for mitigating risks and maintaining trust with customers. For example, Amazon ensures compliance by displaying detailed product descriptions and offering hassle-free returns.

Social Media Platforms for Sales

In 2024, approximately 5.17 billion individuals worldwide are active users of social media. Just imagine, 63.82% of the global population! 

The social-commerce market will be over $2 trillion by 2025. Moreover, now conversion rates on social media is close to 30%, which is up to ten times higher than those seen in traditional e-commerce. 

So, we see that implementing social commerce in the e-commerce strategy is a must.

In recent years, social and creator platforms have added lots of social-commerce features:

Social Media Platform Plethora of Social-Commerce Capabilities User Numbers Worldwide Best Products
Facebook Marketplace, Shops, Ads, Live Shopping Billions Various
Instagram Shoppable Posts, Checkout, Influencer Marketing Billions Fashion, Beauty
Pinterest Buyable Pins, Shopping Ads, Product Pins Hundreds of Millions Home Decor, DIY
TikTok Creator Marketplace, In-App Purchases Hundreds of Millions Lifestyle, Tech
Snapchat Shoppable AR Lenses, Snap Ads, Discover Hundreds of Millions Beauty, Fashion
Amazon Live Live Streaming, Product Demos, Q&A Sessions Millions Various
X (ex. Twitter) Twitter Shops, Buy Buttons, Promoted Tweets Hundreds of Millions Tech, Apparel
YouTube Video Ads, Brand Partnerships, Merchandise Sales Billions Various, Tutorial

A successful e-commerce strategy must include activity on social media platforms. Below you can find how businesses can effectively integrate social commerce into their e-commerce strategies:

  • Social media presence. Presence on social media platforms where your target audience spends time such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok. And regularly engage with followers through engaging content. Do not forget about showcases, user-generated content, promotions, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Shoppable posts and ads. Provide opportunities to purchase products directly from social media platforms. For instance, you can use Instagram Shopping and Facebook Shops.
  • Influencer partnerships. Partner with influencers to promote products to their followers. It helps you to expand reach and credibility, and drive traffic and sales to the e-commerce site.
  • User-generated content. Encourage customers to share their experiences with products through reviews, photos, and videos. Repost this type of content on social media channels to build trust with your target audience.
  • Live shopping events. Host live shopping events or demonstrations on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube Live. In such events you can showcase products, answer questions and drive immediate purchases with exclusive offers.
  • Social listening and engagement. Monitor social media for brand, product or industry conversations. You need to respond promptly, address concerns and participate in discussions. It helps to foster community and brand advocacy.
  • Social proof and social sharing. Display social proof elements, such as customer reviews, ratings, and social share counters. Put these elements on product pages to build credibility and encourage trust among potential buyers. 
  • Integrated checkout processes. Use social media payment methods, such as Facebook Pay or Instagram Checkout. Simplifying the purchase journey reduces friction and encourages impulse purchases.
  • Data analytics and optimization. Use social media analytics tools to track social commerce performance. It can be engagement, click-through and conversion rates. Also analyse data to identify top content, optimise campaigns and refine targeting for better results.

These strategies can effectively drive sales, increase brand awareness and grow e-commerce revenue. Many industry leaders already enjoy the fruit of their efforts.

For example, Nike is one of the most followed brands on social media and has more than 320 million followers. Nike utilises various social media platforms for seamless e-commerce experiences. 

On Instagram, they post product images with direct purchase links. Their Nike Training Club (NTC) and Nike Run Club (NRC) apps offer workouts alongside apparel shopping options. Sneaker releases are announced on Twitter, with direct purchase links for quick buying. Collaborating with influencers, Nike shares product posts with purchase links on social media. Live shopping events on Facebook provide interactive shopping experiences for viewers. 

As a result, Nike has the largest brand awareness in 2023 of 94% (USA). Revenue for the twelve months ending February 29, 2024 was $51.581B, a 1.89% increase year-over-year.

Preparing for Strategy Building

But first thing first, to build an effective e-commerce strategy, companies need to:

  • Conduct market analysis
  • Set clear objectives and goals
  • Refine product offerings
  • Establish a framework for continuous optimization and adaptation

Below, find the key moments.

Market Analysis

Market analysis plays a crucial role in shaping e-commerce strategy. It provides valuable information and insights that enable to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, capitalise on opportunities, and achieve business objectives. Market research helps identify opportunities, trends and competitive threats.

  • Market size and growth potential. It is crucial to assess the overall size of the market and its growth potential. Companies can use these sources:
    1. Market research reports: IBISWorld, MarketResearch, Statista and others.
    2. Industry publications: insights into market dynamics and emerging trends within specific sectors.
    3. Government databases: U.S. Census Bureau or Eurostat.
    4. Trade associations
    5. Financial reports: annual reports and filings.
    6. Primary research: surveys, interviews and focus groups with experts and stakeholders.
  • Understanding customer needs. To gather information about customer needs and preferences you can utilise various methods, including:
    1. Customer surveys, interviews, and focus groups help understand their needs, motivations, and preferences.
    2. Observing customer behaviour in-store or online. That shows how customers interact with products, make purchasing decisions and navigate through the buying process.
    3. Monitoring social media platforms gives you information about products, brands, and industry trends.
    4. Analysing website traffic, user engagement metrics and conversion rates. That helps to understand customer behaviour and preferences.
    5. Reviewing sales data helps to identify popular products, purchasing patterns and trends among different customer segments.
    6. Collecting and analysing customer feedback.

With a thorough market analysis, e-commerce businesses can make informed decisions and develop effective strategies to capitalise on market opportunities and overcome challenges.

Clear Objectives and Goals

Defining specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is essential. Clear objectives guide the strategy's direction. Also, an essential factor is the clear assignment of tasks to designated teams.

Product Selection and Pricing 

Market demand, competition, and profitability analysis help to select products. Сompetitive pricing strategies and promotions help attract and retain customers. Moreover, companies need to have a clear value proposition that resonates with the target audience.

Scalability and Adaptability

E-commerce strategies should be scalable. This can ensure growth and adaptability to evolving market trends and consumer preferences.  E-commerce is not just a one-time project but an ongoing process of improvement and development of the company.

So, we have explored the key components of e-commerce strategy and the essential stages of preparation. Now let’s look at various e-commerce strategy options for different types of companies.

Best E-commerce Strategies

In this section, you’ll find a classification of e-commerce strategies based on target segments and company size:

  1. Classification of e-commerce strategies based on target segments:
    • B2B (Business-to-Business)
    • B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
  2. Classification of e-commerce strategies based on target segment
    • Local
    • Regional
    • National
    • Global

B2B Companies

B2B e-commerce focuses on serving the needs of businesses, enterprises, and other organisations.

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Implement order management systems (OMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to automate order entry, processing, and fulfillment. This will help reduce manual errors and processing times.
  • Offer same-day, expedited, or scheduled delivery options.
  • Offer customised packaging for branding B2B companies.
  • Provide clear instructions and guidelines for returning products, and facilitate returns authorization and processing. Also implement systems for inspecting, restocking, or disposing of returned items.
  • Utilise track-and-trace technology like barcodes, QR codes, or GPS tracking for real-time monitoring of B2B orders. It is crucial to ensure visibility and transparency throughout the shipping process.

Customer Relationship

Building and maintaining strong customer relationships is essential for success in B2B e-commerce. Here are key tips for managing customer relationships in the B2B e-commerce space:

  • Optimise the order management process to make it easy for B2B customers to place and track orders, manage accounts, and access order history.
  • Resolve issues promptly for customers.
  • Gather feedback from customers through surveys, interviews, and forms.
  • Focus on building long-term relationships with customers.
  • Provide ongoing support and assistance to customers after the sale.


  • Ensure that your website is completely optimised for desktop devices because they are more important for B2B e-commerce. A desktop is better suited for complex purchases and detailed research.
  • Add complex payment terms, including invoicing, purchase orders, credit accounts, and installment payments on the website.
  • Simplify site navigation with clear menus, categories, and search functionality. 
  • Check loading speeds. 
  • Ensure that your website design is responsive and adapts to various screen sizes and devices.

New Technology

  • Use AR and VR technologies to enable product experiences, virtual showrooms, and interactive product demonstrations.
  • Implement voice-enabled technologies.
  • Use RPA to automate repetitive tasks in B2B e-commerce like data entry and order processing, cutting errors, speeding up workflows, and freeing up human resources for strategic work.

Digital Marketing

  • SEO: Optimise your website and content for keywords. Conduct keyword research, optimise meta tags, headers, and content, and build quality backlinks to boost visibility in SERPs.
  • Email marketing: Segment your email list based on relevant criteria and personalise messages with tailored content and offers.
  • PPC: Run PPC campaigns on search engines (Google Ads) to target specific B2B audiences. Utilise targeted keywords, demographic targeting, and remarketing to reach decision-makers and influencers in relevant industries.
  • Marketing automation: Set up automated workflows based on user behaviour for personalised experiences and increased conversions. For example, a B2B office supplies distributor uses automation for reorder reminders, boosting customer retention.

Data Analysis

  • Analytics and measurement: Track and analyse key performance metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, lead generation, and customer acquisition costs. Use analytics tools to gain insights into the effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts and optimise your strategies based on data-driven insights.


  • B2B transactions entail sensitive business information like financial data and customer details. E-commerce platforms must prioritise data security to guard against cyber threats and compliance risks.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • B2B buyers need detailed product info and technical documentation for informed decisions. 
  • B2B transactions, especially in regulated sectors like healthcare and finance, require adherence to specific regulations and standards. E-commerce platforms must comply with these requirements for legal and ethical B2B transactions.

Social Media

  • Content marketing: Produce valuable content like blog posts, whitepapers, and case studies, addressing the pain points of your B2B audience, and showcase expertise .
  • Influencer marketing: Collaborate with influencers or experts to create content, host webinars, or join events, expanding your reach and building audience trust.
  • LinkedIn marketing: Use LinkedIn to connect with potential B2B buyers, decision-makers, and industry professionals. Share valuable content, join relevant groups, and showcase expertise through articles and posts.
  • Live events and webinars: Host live events or webinars on social media to showcase products, demonstrate expertise, and engage potential B2B clients in real-time. Use interactive features like Q&A sessions and polls to foster engagement and networking.
  • Social listening: monitor social media platforms for conversations, mentions, and discussions related to your industry, products, or competitors. 

B2C Companies

B2C stands for "business-to-consumer," referring to transactions where businesses sell products or services directly to individual consumers.  B2C e-commerce is characterised by shorter sales cycles, focus on branding and customer experience, and impulse buying.

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Provide timely and accurate processing of orders, including picking, packing, and shipping, to ensure on-time delivery to customers.
  • Offer different delivery options like store pickup, lockers, and same-day delivery provides customers with flexibility and convenience.
  • Select appropriate and sustainable packaging materials and methods to protect products during transit and to present them attractively to customers while minimising shipping costs.
  • Provide responsive and helpful customer support: address inquiries, give order status updates, and resolve issues related to delivery or product quality.
  • Implement quality assurance measures to ensure that products meet quality standards before they are shipped to customers, reducing the likelihood of returns or customer dissatisfaction.

Customer Relationship

  • Tailor communication and marketing efforts to individual customer preferences and behaviours.
  • Provide to customers prompt and helpful assistance to address inquiries, resolve issues, and ensure a positive shopping experience 24/7.
  • Implement loyalty programs and rewards to incentivize repeat purchases and foster long-term customer relationships.
  • Solicit feedback from customers through surveys, reviews, and social media to gather insights and improve products and services.
  • Be transparent about pricing, policies, and product information to build trust and credibility with customers.


  • Ensure a smooth and intuitive online shopping experience across all touchpoints, including website, mobile app, and customer service interactions.
  • Simplify site navigation with clear menus, categories, and search functionality. 
  • Provide fast site loading speeds. 
  • Ensure that your website design is responsive and adapts to various screen sizes and devices.

New Technology

  • Allow customers to visualise products in their physical environment before making a purchase. This enhances product engagement and reduces the likelihood of returns. IKEA allows visualising furniture in their space using AR; Warby Parker offers virtual try-on for eyeglasses and sunglasses; Sephora allows virtual makeup try-on; Wayfair offers AR for visualising furniture and decor.
  • Implement chatbots with natural language processing (NLP), which  ensure instant customer support, answering questions and guiding product searches. 

Digital Marketing

  • Optimise website and content for relevant keywords and phrases to improve search engine rankings, increase organic traffic, and attract qualified leads to your e-commerce site. Structure website, optimise product pages and use internal linking.
  • Create tailored email campaigns to nurture leads, re-engage customers, and showcase new products or offers. Use segmentation, automation, and A/B testing to boost campaign effectiveness and drive conversions.
  • Create text or display ads which include relevant keywords and compelling copy to attract potential customers.
  • Use remarketing campaigns to re-engage website visitors who didn't make a purchase. 
  • Engage customers with flash sales and limited-time offers. 
  • Implement referral programs. 
  • Сreate localised content, promotions, and advertising campaigns that cater to the preferences and cultural nuances of different regions, increasing their relevance and appeal to potential customers.

Data Analysis

  • Optimise marketing campaigns
  • Improve website performance
  • Conduct customer Journey Analysis. Track and analyse customer interactions at each stage of the funnel, identify bottlenecks, and optimise conversion paths.


  • Implement robust security measures, such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways, to protect customer data and ensure safe transactions on all devices.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Adhere to data protection laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection, ensuring data security, and being transparent about data usage.
  • Adhere to consumer protection laws that govern aspects such as product quality, pricing transparency, advertising practices, and refund policies. 
  • Add on your site information about payment, shipping, returns, and disputes. It must be clear, fair, and legally enforceable to protect both the business and consumers.

Social Media

  • Establish a strong presence on relevant social media platforms where the target audience spends time. 
  • Utilise shoppable posts and ads to enable users to browse and purchase products directly from social media platforms.
  • Partner with influencers to promote products to their followers, expanding reach and credibility, driving traffic and sales to the e-commerce site.
  • Encourage customers to share their experiences with products through user-generated content, such as reviews, photos, and videos. 
  • Host live shopping events or demonstrations on different platforms.
  • Monitor social media for brand, product, or industry conversations. 
  • Display social proof elements, such as customer reviews, ratings, and social share counters, prominently on product pages. 

Local Companies

Local e-commerce companies focus on serving customers within their immediate vicinity rather than targeting a broader regional, national, or global market. E-commerce strategies for small businesses have nuances that are important to consider.

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Offer flexible delivery options such as same-day or next-day delivery. Local e-commerce companies may also provide options for in-store pickup.

Customer Relationship

  • Keep customers informed about the status of their orders. Local e-commerce companies may use automated notifications or tracking systems to update customers on the status of their deliveries.
  • If you have a physical storefront, host in-store events to engage local customers and complement your online presence. Integrate your online and offline channels to provide a seamless omnichannel experience for customers. Allow customers to shop online and pick up their orders in-store, or vice versa, to cater to their preferences and convenience.
  • Highlight your connection to the local community through branding and storytelling. 
  • Show commitment to sustainability by using eco-friendly practices like sustainable packaging and supporting local environmental causes.


  • Ensure a smooth and intuitive online shopping experience across all touchpoints, including website, mobile app, and customer service interactions.
  • Simplify site navigation with clear menus, categories, and search functionality. 
  • Provide fast site loading speeds. 
  • Ensure that your website design is responsive and adapts to various screen sizes and devices.
  • Optimise your website and digital marketing campaigns for mobile devices, as many local consumers use smartphones to search for nearby businesses and make purchase decisions on the go.

New Technology

  • Utilise geolocation technology to offer location-based services such as store locators, local inventory availability, and targeted promotions based on a customer's location.
  • Common: use AI and machine learning to enhance personalization, optimise product recommendations, automate customer service through chatbots, and improve supply chain management. And augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to provide a more accurate representation of products. 

Digital marketing

  • Optimise your website and online presence for local search queries by incorporating location-based keywords.
  • Implement personalised marketing campaigns and product recommendations based on the customer's location, weather, or local events.
  • Build and nurture relationships with local customers through personalised email campaigns that offer exclusive promotions, local event invitations, and relevant product recommendations.
  • Run targeted pay-per-click (PPC) ads on search engines like Google or Bing that are tailored to local search queries and include location-based keywords.
  • Ensure your business is listed accurately on online directories, review sites, and local business listings.

Data analysis

  • Segment your customer base based on geographic location, demographics, purchase history, and behaviour within specific localities. 
  • Analyse local market trends, competitor activity, and consumer behaviour within specific geographic regions to identify opportunities for growth and areas for improvement. 
  • Track key performance metrics such as website traffic, sales conversions, and customer engagement metrics (e.g., click-through rates, bounce rates) by location to understand which areas are driving the most value for your business and where adjustments may be needed.


  • Implement robust security measures, such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways, to protect customer data and ensure safe transactions on all devices.

Compliance and legal considerations

  • Understand and comply with local tax laws and regulations applicable to e-commerce transactions, including sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other levies. 
  • Adhere to data protection laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection, ensuring data security, and being transparent about data usage.
  • Adhere to consumer protection laws that govern aspects such as product quality, pricing transparency, advertising practices, and refund policies. 
  • Add on your site information about payment, shipping, returns, and disputes. It must be clear, fair, and legally enforceable to protect both the business and consumers.

Social media

  • Focus on social media platforms where your target audience is most active. For local businesses, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Nextdoor can be particularly effective.
  • Ensure your social media profiles are complete and optimised with accurate business information, including location, contact details, website link, and business hours.
  • Leverage local events, holidays, and festivals for relevant content and promotions. 
  • Collaborate with local influencers, bloggers, or complementary businesses to reach a wider local audience. 
  • Use geo-targeting features available on social media platforms to target users within a specific radius of your business location. 
  • Respond promptly to comments, messages, and reviews on your social media platforms. 
  • Create and use hashtags that are specific to your local area or community. 
  • Organise offline events or workshops related to your products or industry and promote them on social media. 
  • Create local guides or tutorials.
  • Stay updated on local trends, news, and conversations happening on social media platforms.

Regional Companies

Regional e-commerce businesses target customers across a broader geographic region, such as a state, province, or group of neighbouring cities.

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Use various shipping methods and carriers to deliver orders to customers within the region. Options may include local courier services, regional carriers, or partnerships with national shipping companies. 
  • Implement alternative delivery methods like locker pickup locations or designated pickup points.
  • Simplify the returns and exchanges process for customers within the region by offering convenient return options, such as local drop-off points or prepaid return labels.
  • Utilise advanced logistics technology and tracking systems which allows regional e-commerce businesses to monitor the movement of goods in real-time, track shipments.

Customer Relationship

  • Highlight regional products, events, or cultural references to establish a connection with local customers and demonstrate your understanding of their needs.


  • Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive and offers a seamless shopping experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Integrate your e-commerce platform with point-of-sale (POS) systems used in physical retail locations within the region. 

New Technology

  • Explore opportunities to integrate voice commerce capabilities into your e-commerce platform, allowing customers to place orders and interact with your brand using voice-activated devices such as smart speakers and virtual assistants. 
  • Leverage AR and VR technology to enhance product visualisation and provide immersive shopping experiences for customers within the region. Enable features such as virtual try-on for apparel and accessories or AR product demonstrations to help customers make informed purchase decisions.

Digital Marketing

  • Optimise your website and online presence for local search queries by incorporating location-based keywords.
  • Implement personalised marketing campaigns and product recommendations based on the customer's location.
  • Build and nurture relationships with local customers through personalised email campaigns that offer exclusive promotions, local event invitations, and relevant product recommendations.
  • Run targeted pay-per-click (PPC) ads on search engines like Google or Bing that are tailored to local search queries and include location-based keywords.
  • Ensure your business is listed accurately on online directories, review sites, and local business listings.
  • Create dedicated landing pages on your website for different localities or neighbourhoods you serve, optimising them for local search and providing relevant information tailored to each area.

Data Analysis

  • Segment your customer base based on geographic location, demographics, purchase history, and behaviour within specific localities. 
  • Identify localities with high potential for customer acquisition and targeting advertising campaigns specifically to those areas. 
  • Analyse local market trends, competitor activity, and consumer behaviour within specific geographic regions to identify opportunities for growth and areas for improvement. 
  • Track key performance metrics such as website traffic, sales conversions, and customer engagement metrics (e.g., click-through rates, bounce rates) by location to understand which areas are driving the most value for your business and where adjustments may be needed.


  • Implement robust security measures, such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways, to protect customer data and ensure safe transactions on all devices.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Understand and comply with local tax laws and regulations applicable to e-commerce transactions, including sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other levies. 
  • Adhere to data protection laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection, ensuring data security, and being transparent about data usage.
  • Adhere to consumer protection laws that govern aspects such as product quality, pricing transparency, advertising practices, and refund policies. 
  • Add on your site information about payment, shipping, returns, and disputes. It must be clear, fair, and legally enforceable to protect both the business and consumers.

Social Media

  • Foster a sense of community among customers within the region by creating online forums, social media groups, or community events where they can connect, share experiences, and provide feedback. 
  • Create content highlighting regional culture and attractions, showing how your products complement the local lifestyle. 
  • Collaborate with influential figures in your region to expand visibility. Utilise localised hashtags and geotags to enhance regional engagement. 
  • Share updates about local events and partnerships your brand is involved in. 
  • Encourage customers to share content featuring your products through user-generated campaigns and contests. 
  • Offer exclusive promotions tailored to your regional audience to drive local sales. 
  • Provide prompt and attentive customer service through social media to foster trust and loyalty within your region.
  • Develop a content calendar that incorporates regional holidays, festivals, and events relevant to your target audience. 
  • Organise social media contests or giveaways specifically for your regional audience. 
  • Form partnerships with other local businesses or organisations to cross-promote each other's products or services on social media. 
  • Host live streaming events on platforms like Instagram Live or Facebook Live to engage with your regional audience in real-time. 
  • Organise meetups or events for local influencers to connect with your brand in person. 
  • Monitor social media conversations and hashtags related to your region to stay informed about local trends, events, and topics of interest.

National Companies

National companies are businesses that operate and serve customers across an entire nation or country, rather than focusing on a specific region or locality. 

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Offer a range of shipping options including standard ground, expedited, and same-day or next-day delivery to accommodate different customer preferences. 
  • Provide multi-channel fulfilment, allowing customers to buy online and pick up in-store, or vice versa. 
  • Offer flexible delivery choices such as scheduled windows, evening or weekend slots, and alternative locations like lockers or pickup points. Give customers real-time tracking and visibility of their shipments through online portals or mobile apps. 
  • Ensure product quality and compliance with stringent quality assurance processes throughout the supply chain.

Customer Relationship

  • Follow up post-purchase to thank customers, provide updates, and gather feedback. 
  • Integrate online and offline touchpoints for a seamless experience across websites, mobile apps, stores, and customer service. Proactively communicate product updates, shipping delays, or service disruptions to keep customers informed and build trust.
  • Implement loyalty programs to reward repeat purchases and encourage retention. 
  • Offer prompt support across channels like phone, email, chat, and social media. 
  • Personalise emails based on preferences. 
  • Gather feedback through surveys to understand needs. 
  • Host events like product launches or customer appreciation days. 
  • Continuously optimise strategies based on feedback and data analysis.


  • Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive and offers a seamless shopping experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Integrate your e-commerce platform with point-of-sale (POS) systems used in physical retail locations within the region. 

New Technology

  • Explore opportunities to integrate voice commerce capabilities into your e-commerce platform, allowing customers to place orders and interact with your brand using voice-activated devices such as smart speakers and virtual assistants. 
  • Leverage AR and VR technology to enhance product visualisation and provide immersive shopping experiences for customers within the region. Enable features such as virtual try-on for apparel and accessories or AR product demonstrations to help customers make informed purchase decisions.

Digital Marketing

  • Optimise your website for search engines by focusing on relevant keywords, meta tags, high-quality content, and authoritative backlinks to attract organic traffic. 
  • Launch targeted PPC campaigns on search engines and social media platforms. 
  • Develop segmented email campaigns personalised based on customer preferences and behaviour to drive engagement and conversions. Create valuable content like blog posts, videos, and infographics to engage your audience. 
  • Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage previous website visitors. 
  • Tailor marketing campaigns to specific geographic regions. Use engaging video content to showcase products and capitalise on seasonal events for targeted promotions.

Data Analysis

  • Analyse sales data to identify trends, top-performing products, and lucrative customer segments. 
  • Segment customers by demographics, behaviour, and engagement. 
  • Track website metrics like page views and conversion rates to gauge effectiveness.
  • Forecast future demand and optimise inventory levels. 
  • Analyse cross-channel attribution to allocate marketing budget effectively. 
  • Utilise testing techniques to optimise website design and marketing campaigns.


  • Implement robust security measures, such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways, to protect customer data and ensure safe transactions on all devices.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Understand and comply with local tax laws and regulations applicable to e-commerce transactions, including sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other levies. 
  • Adhere to data protection laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection, ensuring data security, and being transparent about data usage.
  • Adhere to consumer protection laws that govern aspects such as product quality, pricing transparency, advertising practices, and refund policies. 
  • Add on your site information about payment, shipping, returns, and disputes. It must be clear, fair, and legally enforceable to protect both the business and consumers.

Social Media

  • Maintain an active presence on relevant social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. 
  • Share diverse content types—images, videos, blogs, polls—to keep followers engaged. 
  • Ensure consistent branding across channels for a cohesive brand experience.
  • Engage with your audience by responding promptly to comments and messages. Partner with influencers to expand your reach. 
  • Use paid advertising to target specific demographics and test different ad formats for optimal engagement. 
  • Encourage user-generated content to amplify brand advocacy. 
  • Enable social shopping features for seamless purchasing. 
  • Launch branded hashtag campaigns to drive user participation and generate buzz.
  • Tailor campaigns to specific geographic regions using geo-targeting. 
  • Host live streaming events to showcase products and interact with followers. 
  • Monitor industry conversations, hashtags, and trends to stay informed and responsive.

Global Companies

Global e-commerce involves buying and selling goods or services online across international borders. It allows businesses to reach customers worldwide through digital platforms like websites and marketplaces. Examples include Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay.

Tips for each e-commerce component:


  • Provide diverse shipping options like standard, expedited, and international express.
  • Offer real-time order tracking for shipment status updates. 
  • Implement efficient returns and reverse logistics processes, including return labels and refunds. 
  • Offer multilingual customer support for inquiries and assistance across regions.

Customer Relationship

  • Offer multilingual support via email, chat, and phone to assist customers in their preferred language and time zone. 
  • Implement loyalty programs with incentives tailored to diverse cultural preferences. 
  • Adapt marketing messages and branding to resonate with local customs and values. 
  • Provide transparent shipping, tax, and return policies to build trust. 
  • Gather feedback from global customers to improve the shopping experience. 
  • Offer various payment methods trusted in different regions. 
  • Train support teams to respect cultural differences when interacting with diverse customers. 
  • Follow up post-purchase to gather feedback and encourage repeat purchases. Host region-specific events to deepen engagement and loyalty. 
  • Engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives that align with global customer values.
  • Use dynamic pricing strategies considering currency fluctuations, local demand, and competitor prices to stay competitive and boost revenue globally.


  • Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive and offers a seamless shopping experience across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Integrate your e-commerce platform with point-of-sale (POS) systems used in physical retail locations within the region. 

New Technology

  • Explore opportunities to integrate voice commerce capabilities into your e-commerce platform, allowing customers to place orders and interact with your brand using voice-activated devices such as smart speakers and virtual assistants. 
  • Leverage AR and VR technology to enhance product visualisation and provide immersive shopping experiences for customers within the region. Enable features such as virtual try-on for apparel and accessories or AR product demonstrations to help customers make informed purchase decisions.

Digital Marketing

  • Optimise website content, meta tags, and keywords for local search engines to boost visibility in each target market.
  • Translate content into multiple languages to resonate with diverse audiences across global markets.
  • Run localised PPC campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads to reach specific regional audiences.
  • Segment email lists by region and language for personalised messaging and promotions in each market.
  • Implement cross-region remarketing campaigns to re-engage visitors and cart abandoners.
  • Expand presence on global e-commerce marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and Rakuten.

Data Analysis

  • Analyse sales data to pinpoint top-performing products, markets, and customer segments, guiding inventory and marketing decisions.
  • Monitor global trends, competitor activities, and consumer sentiment to seize emerging opportunities and adjust strategies accordingly.
  • Track cross-border transactions to optimise pricing, payment methods, and currency conversions for global customers.
  • Evaluate website traffic and engagement across regions to enhance the online shopping experience.
  • Optimise supply chain processes through data analysis to meet global demand efficiently and minimise costs.
  • Conduct A/B tests to identify effective strategies for engagement and revenue generation.
  • Segment customers to tailor marketing communications and offers.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and cultural sensitivities to protect brand reputation.


  • Implement robust security measures, such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and secure payment gateways, to protect customer data and ensure safe transactions on all devices.
  • Host the e-commerce website on secure servers with firewalls and regular updates.
  • Educate customers on creating strong passwords and spotting scams.
  • Implement an incident response plan to address security issues swiftly.

Compliance and Legal Considerations

  • Ensure compliance with local regulations, data privacy laws, and cultural sensitivities through data analysis, mitigating legal risks and maintaining brand reputation in global markets.
  • Adhere to data protection laws like GDPR in the EU or CCPA in the US. This includes obtaining customer consent for data collection, ensuring data security, and being transparent about data usage.
  • Adhere to consumer protection laws that govern aspects such as product quality, pricing transparency, advertising practices, and refund policies. 
  • Add on your site information about payment, shipping, returns, and disputes. It must be clear, fair, and legally enforceable to protect both the business and consumers.

Social Media

  • Maintain active presence on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to reach diverse audiences.
  • Tailor content to suit different cultures, including translations and regional promotions.
  • Partner with influencers globally to extend brand reach and credibility.
  • Utilise geo-targeting in ads for precise audience targeting.
  • Engage with followers in real-time, responding in their language and time zone.
  • Launch global campaigns leveraging cultural trends and events.
  • Enable social commerce for direct purchasing on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
  • Monitor social media for regional insights, preferences, and trends.
  • Host localised contests to boost engagement and brand awareness.
  • Launch regional hashtag campaigns to amplify brand visibility.
  • Use social media listening tools for global brand monitoring and strategy.


E-commerce is developing rapidly, by 2025, about a quarter of all global sales are predicted to happen online.

An e-commerce strategy helps you understand your market, identify your position in the minds of your target audience, define what your product should be, and create value for both your product and company. It allows you to consider all nuances, from delivery logistics to website usability and market presentation.

A well-developed e-commerce strategy provides a comprehensive view of your business, predicts potential problems, and ensures ease of scaling.

Therefore, every e-commerce company must have a strategy to withstand high competition and ensure sustainable growth.

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